30 Days (give or take a few) As an Assistant Principal

For the next month or so, I will be filling the role of assistant principal at the anonymous elementary school in a nameless town where I normally teach. My very real class at Anonymous Elementary is under the care of a substitute teacher, although I will be supervising her and assisting her as needed. Each weekday, I will post the highs (or lows) of the day in an effort to share my experience with you. Any names you read are changed to protect the guilty.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 16 - Monday

Looks like we are not going to make it all the way to day 30. Things are winding down for this fake AP. My sub started the day by announcing that she was quitting. She had another opportunity to work at the high school and took it. (I think with a huge smile.) This is not bad. It's not like state testing is starting tomorrow. Oh, wait! It is! This is bad.

I have now decided to keep a pair of jeans in my car just in case I get sent back to the classroom at a moment's notice. The real AP is hoping to return sometime this week, although we won't actually know until he shows up. (Again, it is a complicated situation involving the government.) Until then, I am going to play double duty for a few days, spending my mornings in the classroom and the afternoons in the office.

As for knuckle-headed kids today - there were some. As a matter of fact, they were from my own class. It will be good to get back and get them straightened out. That's all for now, my battery is dying and my wife is sleeping in the room where my power cord is hiding.

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